Friday, May 15, 2009

Bad Grammar and Punctuation

I will be the first to admit that I get things wrong from time to time, but lately it seems like I see bad grammar, spelling, and punctuation way more often. I am sure some of this has to do with so much more writing being done where people can see it (i.e. facebook, myspace, etc.), but what happened to spell check?

Of all the random dumb quizzes I see online, they are all WRONG! This irritates me for some unknown reason and it reflects poorly on the writer. If you are going to go through all the trouble to publish something that hundreds or thousands of people are going to look at, wouldn't you want to make sure that you don't come off as a complete moron? I would think so, but maybe that is just me.

Additionally, I read that a city in Britain has decided to get rid of the apostrophe on any signs. What!? That makes no sense whatsoever. They said it would cost too much to replace the signs. It just further makes bad habits acceptable when public offices start doing it.,2933,486144,00.html

And what about their, there, they're or too, to, and two? This isn't rocket science people.
I just don't understand it. How do you graduate high school and not know the difference between these words?

Sorry for the rant, but seriously! And, yes, I ran spell check.


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