Working in New Orleans
I was sent to New Orleans in the middle of April to to help with the merging of the two existing offices that we have there.
I was kinda nervous about the whole ordeal as I was supposed to do some network related things that I had never done before and then people were telling me about how much scarier that NO was since Katrina. Luckily, Chadd was able to come with me.
He was an immense help, and I am so glad he was able to go. I don't know if I would have finshed on time without him, as well as it was much better to be able to eat dinner with someone. I also enjoyed meeting everyone in the NO office. It helps me so much at work to be able to know who it is that I am talking to. It makes everything so much more relatable.
Minus working some nights until 8 or 9, we had some wonderful food and bought some new art. I was on a quest to find some ghosts, and supposedly our hotel was haunted, but we didn't find any. We sat in the dark ballroom for awhile, but it was a bust. We might go back in October, so maybe we'll have better luck then. We nade it for the French Quarter Festival and was able to listen to some music and eat some great food on Sunday. It was neat to see all the vendors, there was a noticeable amount more than usual.
Melissa was able to come out on Saturday. We took her to eat and went on a Swamp tour on Sunday. We had a good time, and I was very glad she came. I just felt guilty due to all the time she had to sit in the airport going and coming.
Overall, I still very much love New Orleans. It is one of the only places I think I could actually see myself living besides Houston. It has such great character and atmosphere. And Pat O Hurricanes don't hurt either. :)
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