Thursday, March 26, 2009

Change of Plans

So, probably not going to do the school thing this year. Next year will be more optimistic.

So for everyone who doesn't know, I have an obsession with looking for houses or at least AT houses. I have looked for houses to buy inside the loop for several years, just so that I would be familiar with the market when we actually went to buy. This house came on the market a few years ago, and I loved it, but it was way out of our price range. Well cut to last fall and the house went into foreclosure. Since we we were able to sell our house in Frisco in November, we made an offer on the house in December. There was another offer, and the bank ended up taking that one. Needless to say, I was kinda bummed.

I would randomly check the appraisal district to see if it changed hands. Never did.

Anywho, our realtor called us a couple of weeks ago saying that the sale had fallen through. It was definitely a mixture of emotions. I was very excited, but at the same time a lot has changed since we put in the original offer.. We are now going through the purchasing process and it is pretty nerve wracking. I really want the house, but I hate the buying process.

It is in a somewhat transitional neighborhood, but I feel like it will get better pretty quick. I love the location relative to town, it has a big yard, and I just love the original elements of a house built in 1935. There has been some updating, but in the long run, I think it will a good amount of work in store of us. I think it will be worth it and I can see living in this house a long time.

I guess we will have to see if we actually get it and then I will worry about it. Cross your fingers for us!